7/23/2013· Most of the world's copper is extracted from a type of mineral deposit called a "porphyry copper". If you've seen a picture of a great big open-pit mining operation odds are that it was a porphyry copper deposit. Some of the biggest man-made holes in the ground are porphyry copper mines: Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, and Chuquicamata in Chile, and two of the largest.

Dragov, P., and Petrunov, R., 1996, Elatsite porphyry copper-precious metals (Au and PGE) deposit, in Popov, P., ed., Plate tectonic aspects of the Alpine metallogeny ...

Porphyry deposits are important sources of copper and molybdenum, as well as gold, silver, and tin (Sinclair, 2007). Till geochemical and mineralogical case studies and surveys carried out around porphyry deposits in glaciated terrain are described here in two sections: (1) the well-known copper–gold–molybdenum porphyry deposits of the ...

Porphyry Cu and porphyry Mo deposits are large to giant deposits ranging up to >20 and 1.6 Gt of ore, respectively, that supply about 60 and 95% of the world's copper and molybdenum, as well as significant amounts of gold and silver. These deposits form from hydrothermal systems that affect 10s to >100 km3 of the upper crust and result in enormous mass redistribution and potential ...

mineralization. Porphyry copper deposits are large (commonly hundreds to thousands of million tonnes) and low to medium in grade (0.3 to 1.5% copper). The majority of gold-rich porphyry deposits occur in the circum-Pacific and commonly contain 0.3 to 1.6 g/t gold. The general characteristics of porphyry systems include:

7/7/2017· Rich Gold Deposits in PORPHYRY - Geology 101| ask Jeff Williams - Duration: 11:18. Ask Jeff Williams 33,784 views. 11:18.

Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) represent shallow level intrusions (2–5 km) in the crust. Mineralization of Cu ores tend to occur at the tops of porphyry systems in cupolas. Possible regimes where Cu may be mobilized include hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridge centers, dehydration or melting of the subducting slab, and late stage ...

to many porphyry copper deposits (for example, Bingham, Utah), as well as crosscutting porphyry-style mineralization (for example, Valea Morii, Romania). Primary Commodities Copper is the primary commodity of economic interest in most porphyry copper deposits, although some deposits with low

Collectively, these type of deposits are known as "porphyry copper deposits". Rhomb porphyry. Rhomb porphyry is a volcanic rock with gray-white large porphyritic rhombus-shaped phenocrysts embedded in a very fine-grained red-brown matrix. The composition of rhomb porphyry places it in the trachyte–latite classification of the QAPF diagram.

Porphyry ore deposits are the source of much of the copper, molybdenum, gold and silver used by humans. Porphyry ore typically forms in magmatic arcs above subduction zones.

Although copper has been mined from a number of different types of mineral deposits, porphyry copper deposits are the most important source for copper, accounting for more than 60 percent of the annual world copper production and approximately 65 percent of the known total copper resource.

The volume is particularly significant because porphyry coppers are by far the most important class of deposits in terms of global copper reserves and, most importantly, because southwestern North America contains an unusually large number and variety of these deposits.

Bogdanov, B.D., 1986, Copper ore deposits in Bulgaria, in Petraschek, W.E., and Jankovi?, S., eds., Geotectonic evolution and metallogeny of the Mediterranean area ...

5/31/2015· Development of a Copper Porphyry Porphyry copper deposits are copper orebodies that are formed from hydrothermal fluids that originate from a voluminous magma chamber several kilometers below the ...

Copper is a moderately incompatible chalcophile element. Its behavior is strongly controlled by sulfides. The speciation of sulfur is controlled by oxygen fugacity. Therefore, porphyry Cu deposits are usually oxidized (with oxygen fugacities > ΔFMQ +2) (Mungall 2002; Sun et al. 2015). The problem is that while most of the magmas at convergent margins are highly oxidized, porphyry Cu deposits ...

Porphyry copper deposit, large body of rock, typically a porphyry of granitic to dioritic composition, that has been fractured on a fine scale and through which chalcopyrite and other copper minerals are disseminated.Porphyry copper deposits commonly contain hundreds of millions of metric tons of ore that averages a fraction of 1 percent copper by weight; although they are low-grade, the ...

This report contains a revised descriptive model of porphyry copper deposits (PCDs), the world's largest source (about 60 percent) and resource (about 65 percent) of …

Porphyry copper deposits of the world. Information on porphyry copper deposits from around the world with grade and tonnage models, a general classification based on geologic setting, mineralogy, with data allowing locations of these deposits to be plotted using GIS.

Porphyry deposits are one of the most important sources of copper and molybdenum, and are also major sources of silver, gold, and tin.In addition, porphyry deposits may host valuable by-products ...

So how do we explore for Porphyry Copper Deposits which are completely covered by barren younger rocks? Well let's back up a bit, we know that porphyries form under large subduction related volcanoes and that most of these are located under the ring of fire around the subducting pacific plate another fertile subduction zone occurs in Balkans, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. So this gives us a ...

Porphyry Cu deposits in China contain a total resource of ~47 million tonnes (Mt) Cu at average grades ranging mostly from 0.2 to 0.7% Cu (most <0.5% Cu), accounting for 42% of China's Cu reserves.

Porphyry copper deposits are much more abundant in the Mazatzal terrane (Titley, 1981), and, thus, the definition of the boundary in the Basin and Range and beneath the Colorado Plateau is useful for defining assessment tracts. ASTER remote sensing data and processing.

Porphyry deposits account for most of the copper and molybdenum world production, 60 and 95 percent of its supply respectively.. Porphyry-type ore deposits form in hydrothermal fluid circulation systems developed above and around high-level, subvolcanic felsic to intermediate magma chambers and/or cooling plutons.The ore is temporally and genetically related to the intrusions, but did not ...

Porphyry deposits and IOCG's are the world's primary source of copper and they account for more than 60% of the copper production globally but in addition to copper they also supply of the world's molybdenum production, 10 to 15% of global uranium production and a significant proportion of the world's gold production in short they ...

3/11/2015· Porphyry deposits are very large, polymetallic systems that typically contain copper along with other important metals. Much of today's mineral production depends on porphyries: 60% of copper, 95% of molbdenum, and 20% of gold comes from this deposit type.

The major products from porphyry copper deposits are copper and molybdenum or copper and gold. The term porphyry copper now includes engineering as well as geological considerations; It refers to large, relatively low grade, epigenetic, intrusion-related deposits …