From the results it is concluded that bottom-ash can be used as a replacement for fine aggregate. The results proved that the replacement of of fine aggregate by bottom-ash achieved higher compressive strength. Thus the environmental effects due to illegal extraction of sand and cost of conventional fine aggregate can be significantly reduced.

The increasing crushed stone dust as fine dust and found that flexural strength increases than the concrete with natural sand but the values. Partial Replacement Of Fine Aggregate By Using Glass . 201851&ensp·&enspThe properties of concretes glass dust waste as fine aggregate were investigated in …

The most commonly used fine aggregate across world is river sand. River sand is expensive due to excessive cost of transportation from natural sources. Also large scale depletion of the source creates environmental problems. As environmental, transportation and other constraints make the availability and use of river sand less attractive. A substitute or replacement product for concrete ...

Concrete of M25 grade was designed for a w/c ratio of 0.48 for the replacement of 10% coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate and replacement of 50, 60 and 70% of fine aggregate (sand ...

Quarry Dust and red soil are replaced as fine aggregate in conventional concrete to achieve High strength. 3. OBJECTIVES Replace the manufactured sand (quarry dust) and red soil with fine aggregate in ordinary Portland cement concrete. Using quarry dust …

Further research work is required regarding these agro-wastes as a fine aggregate replacement in concrete to confirm the strength variation and thermal property. 10. Conclusion. Literature and experimental studies on fine aggregate replacement by agro-waste in concrete, self-compacting concrete and mortar have been reviewed.

The stone dust produced from stone crushing zones appers as a problem for effective disposal. Which is used here as partily replacement as fine aggregate. Also the glass powder produced from industries is also a waste material which can be used as partial replacement as cement. Sand is a material used in concrete as fine aggregate. II.

Stone dust: Stone dust is composed from stone crushing units of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It was originally dehydrated in form when collected. Experimental design: Investigational plan was directed using 0, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60% partial replacement of fine aggregate with stone dust has been taken for SHORT COMMUNICATION

The result showed that the stone dust can effectively been used as partial replacement of natural fine aggregate without compromising the compressive strength. View full-text Discover more

ash (FA), and partial substitution of fine aggregate by marble dust (MD) and stone dust(SD). Fly ash is a by product of burnt coal from the Thermal power plants, Marble dust is a waste product from marble industries and stone dust is a waste product from crusher plants.

indicated effectiveness of stone dust as fine aggregate and partial replacement of conventional coarse aggregate by ceramic scrap upto 20 percent, without affecting the design strength. Keywords: Stone dust, ceramic scrap, economical, waste products, disposal. 1. Introduction

Optimum utilization of quarry dust as partial replacement of sand in concrete Lohani et al., Int. Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012 394 As per the data above, concrete does not give adequate workability with the increase of quarry dust as fine aggregate.

Compressive strength with replacement of fine aggregate with stone dust: The result of compressive strength with replacement of stone dust for 7 and 28 d are shown in Table 6 and its graphical representation is shown in Fig. 1. It was observed that at 30% replacement, strength was decreased but at 40% replacement, strength

Siddique R., Effect of fine aggregate replacement with class F fly ash on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete.Cement and Concrete research, 2003, 33 (4), p. 539-547. 5. Nagaraj T.S., Banu Z., Efficient Utilization of rock dust and Pebbles as Aggregate in Portland cement concrete, The Indian Concrete Journal, 1996, 70(1), p. 53-56. 6.

Experimental Investigations on Mode II Fracture of Concrete with Crushed Granite Stone Fine Aggregate Replacing Sand combinations of crushed stone fine aggregate and natural river sand. The locally available crushed stone fine aggregate is used in this study to explore and demonstrate the use of sustainable materials in concrete construction.

Project on Partial Replacement of Cement with Marble Powder ... Weight of fine aggregate = 1.372 x 3773.85 = 5.177 kg ... It is noticed that 5% replacement of cement with marble dust in mild condition and 10% replacement of cement with marble dust in severe conditions, are showing increase in …

obtained with the partial replacement of river sand with 20% CGF, as against values of 35.00N/mm2 and 1.75N/mm2 obtained with the use of river sand as fine aggregate. Based Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Replacement of Sand by Quarry Dust in …

dust as fine aggregate. (2000) M. Shukla et al. studied environmental hazardous stone dust utilization in building construction. It is found that partial replacement will not affect the strength and also solve the problem of disposal of stone dust. The workability of concrete reduces with the increase in …

The concept of replacement of natural fine aggregate by quarry dust which is highlighted in the study could boost the consumption of quarry dust generated from quarries. By replacement of quarry dust, the requirement of land fill area can be reduced and can also solve the problem of natural sand scarcity. The availability of sand at low cost as a fine aggregate in concrete is not suitable and ...

dust material in concrete. The replacement of fine aggregates with saw dust can be beneficial for the building components. Thus, the properties such as 2.workability, compression test, elongation index etc. of concrete changes. 2. OBJECTIVES 1) To prepare light weight saw dust concrete of nearly

Behaviour of Concrete on Replacement of Sand with Quaries Stone Dust as Fine Aggregate A. Suribabu 1, Dr U.Rangaraju 2, Dr.M. Ravindra Krishna 3 P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, D.N.R.College of Engineering and Technology, Bhimavaram, A.P India

Utilization of Stone Dust as Fine Aggregate Replacement in Concrete Brajesh Kumar Suman Department of Civil Engineering SHIATS Allahabad, India [email protected] Vikas Srivastava, Department of Civil Engineering, SHIATS Allahabad, India Abstract—Owing to increased construction activities for different regions and utilities scaring

Crushed rock sand has surfaced as a viable alternative to Natural River sand and is being now used commonly throughout the world as fine aggregate in concrete. It is manufactured by crushing the quarried stone to a size that will completely pass through 4.75 mm sieve.

12/11/2015· Experimental Investigation on the Concrete as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Stone Dust and Brick Dust P Kalyani1 EV Raghava Rao2 1 P.G. Student 2Professor 1,2 Department of Civil ...

The ratio of sand replaced to recycled fine aggregate are 100:0% as control, 80:20%, 50:50%, 20:80% and 0:. The project explains about the properties of materials used in concrete, mechanical and transport properties of the concrete.. Index Terms—Construction waste, Demolition waste, Fine Aggregate, Recycled Fine Aggregate.